Lauren and Omar

L + O

Featured Vendors

Brenley Farm Wedding, Faversham
Beautiful family wedding

Beautiful Hampshire wedding with bride re-wearing a friends beautiful wedding dress.
This was a hot one!! With an outdoor ceremony too. Guests were sweltering whilst waiting for the ceremony to start.
Lauren and Omar know how to walk down the aisle!! Check it out! Always dance down the aisle.
So much emotion at this wedding. Omar lost his mother when he was little so his dad speech was beautiful. Also the connection between Omar and his dad was so special.
This venue is a little hidden gem. The bridal prep area has the most gorgeous light, the outdoor ceremony is beautiful and their are loads of beautiful shady areas.
Top tip when planning a summer wedding is to prepare for both extremes of weather. In extreme heat think about a later ceremony time, when thinking about cocktail hours make sure there are shady areas as your guests will naturally go to the shade anyway.
Also think about later dance floor, nobody will dance if its still hot and light outside.
If you are planning a Brenley Farm wedding, Faversham get in touch.