Jane and Chris

J + C

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At home wedding Calveley
Beautiful Suzanne Neville dress and Jimmy Choo shoes

Beautiful at home wedding in Calverley with bride wearing a beautiful Suzanne Neville wedding dress and the most stunning pink Jimmy Choos.
Jane and Chris had their toddler at their wedding. Top tip I learnt from them, have a baby sitter at your wedding in you have your children there. It meant that these guys could fully relax and enjoy their day.
Jane has style. Not only did she look amazing, but the marque looked stunning. She always dreamed of getting married in her local church and then having the reception at home and it was truly beautiful.
This was a hot one!! Top tip when planning a summer wedding is to prepare for both extremes of weather. In extreme heat think about a later ceremony time, when thinking about cocktail hours make sure there are shady areas as your guests will naturally go to the shade anyway.
Also think about later dance floor, nobody will dance if its still hot and light outside.
If you are planning an at home wedding in Calverley get in touch.